Wednesday 15 September 2010

Magazine Advert for Underworld; Barking

This advert would be found along the top or bottom of a magazine page as it is horizontally longer. It features the album artwork on the left hand side with all the other necessary information listed on the right. The information listed is near-enough everything posted in my conventions of a magazine advert below; album name, name of the band, release date, current singles & website. It also lists the co-producers of the album so people unfamiliar with the band may at least recognize the co-producers.
Alongside this it also details the contents of the album - 'CD, CD/DVD, 2x12", LTD EDITION DELUXE BOOK PACK, DOWNLOAD' This allows the consumer to quickly see what they will be investing in, should they buy the album.
The actual design of the advert is fairly simple - pure black background with 2 graphics from the front cover to decorate the right hand side. The text is in a neon-digital style, reflecting the bands electronic genre.

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