Monday, 29 November 2010

Questionnaire Results Analysis

(Click To Enlarge)

Above are the results from our questionnaire, which we handed out to various people of various age and gender. Looking over the results, we can see that the majority of our potential audience are male aged 16 to 21. The preferred music genre of our potential audience is Metal / Rock. This shows that most people we asked would most likely enjoy the track and video, which is a subgenre of Rock, meaning that the rest of the questionnaire will be more useful than before, as their favoured genre is likely to influence how they feel to most music videos. The majority of people we asked like to listen to the track, rather than watch the music video. This shows us that a band performance and lip-synced vocals are essential, as they can be used to highlight key points in the song and emphasise their meaning/impact more. Pretty much all of the people we asked said that the video should be shot in London. This is because of the highly patriotic lyrics. The majority of people also said city scenes are essential to a band of our genre, and luckily, this can be linked with our shots of London. Many people also agreed to putting posterized CGI images of London trademarks such as London buses within our video. The higher preference of narrative over performance also needs to be taken into account when filming.

After Filming: we took into account our questionnaire results and pitches feedback when filming & editing, as it was important that we get just the right amount of band performance, lip-syncing & London shots & CGI in the final cut and placed appropriately so that the video runs smoothly and effectively, resulting in a high quality video that looks professional and suited to its audience.

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