Thursday, 4 November 2010

Filming Plans

As we were filming on a tight budget, We though it would a good idea to try and make the most professional type of shots using simple items found around the house, and other various items obtained online. In the professional music industry, they would use a track dolly to get the smooth pans, These cost in excess of £700, so Matt decided to construct his own dolly.

Matt constructed a makeshift dolly using some basic DIY products. The track is constructed of 32mm PVC pipe and more pipe can be added to the ends to extend the track length. The base is made from the bottom of a wooden cabinet,which has four office chair wheels attached to it. This in turn rests on the two pipes that are parallel to each other, thus creating a smooth camera movement.

Alongside the dolly Matt created, we also purchased two small floodlights off of eBay and we will place these behind the amps in the music video in order to get a good lighting in the master shot. Our friend has also allowed us to borrow his lighting machine which will allow us to get a realistic spotlight shot on various band members without having to re-adjust the equipment or lighting. Finally, we also purchased some large black sheets with which we use to cover the garage walls, giving the appearance that we are performing in a studio, as opposed to a amateurish garage. Luckily, actors and instruments are not an issue, as, between us, we all have the correct instruments and enough people with which to play them.

The cameras we are using are two Panasonic HD Cameras, and we will be filming with both of them in 1920x1080 Resolution, sometimes at the same time, to make editing easier and smoother when creating continuous lip syncing.

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