Thursday 24 June 2010

Camera Shots
  • Bandshots, Whole band shots
  • Shadows/Lighting
  • Highlighting/Brightlighting all over
  • High Angle/Low Angle
  • Special Lighting effects
  • Close-ups/Extreme Close-ups
  • Animation and video special effects (CGI/Green Screen)
  • Colour effects - often monochrome/black and white


Equal division of shots on band members or focus on key members.

How is narrative used? Cut into the performance/Merged/Purely Narrative

Does is amplify the lyrics?

Contradict/Illustrate them.

Intertextuality: taking ideas from another existing text, may be a carbon copy, a pastiche, a parody or a homage - or borrow from a movie.

The borrowing of such images & reconstructing them is known as 'post-modern'.


  • Glamour/popstar lifestyle
  • Mean & moody men
  • Women represented as sex icons
  • Anti-establisment activity/rebelious
  • Deserted locations/Urban Locations/Delapidated
  • Voyeurism - people watching people when they don't know

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